2v2 League > Make a Match Challenge

To setup a 2v2 match with another team in AGL clan please complete the form below selecting the necessary options.
Once form is submitted it will be automatically e-mailed to the team you have challenged. Once they accept or reject the challenge you will be notified via your registered e-mail address.

Important: If your team or opponents do not have rcon for the server you wish to use, then the match will be played on the AGL server, where a ref will be in spec to control rcon.

2v2 Match Challenge Form

Match type:.................. ..........

Your Team Name:........

Your Contact Email:......


Team Password:..........

Date of Match:..............

IP of server to be used:
(enter 'AGL' if you wish to use AGL's server)

Do your Team or your opponents have rcon for this server?
..................................... Yes
..................................... No

Match Time (UK Time):...

Server Password:

First Map:..............

Second Map:.........

Team Size:............

Match Rules:

Additional Notes:

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