2v2 League Entrance Form

This form allows you and one other player to enter our 2v2 League. In order to enter this league you do not need to be a member of a clan since you are entering as 2 Individual players. Please complete form below to enter our 2v2 League.

Once you have completed this form please allow 24 hours before getting an e-mail response. The e-mail that you will receive will contain further information related to AGL operation.

Please complete the whole form filling in your details and your team-mates details.
2 players are required to enter this League

Please make sure that you have registered with our forums before completing this form.

2v2 League Entrance Form ....................................................................................................................................................

Player 1Details


Player 2 Details

(You will be contacted at this email address
when setting up or confirming a match)

Msn:..................h. ..


(You will be contacted at this email address
when setting up or confirming a match)

Msn:..................h. .......


Team Password:
(You will need this in order to setup a match)

Team Name:........



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